Although a regular web hosting account is typically set up automatically, there are still small setup jobs which are handled manually by the web hosting supplier. The set up of a virtual or a dedicated server usually requires more efforts since a considerable amount of time is spent to install and configure the hardware and software environment, and then test the machine in order to ensure its optimal operation before it is given to the customer. To cover the amount of time spent on that, various suppliers have a set-up fee that you need to pay at the time you acquire your brand new website hosting package. In some cases, that particular charge will not appear before you reach the payment page and you won't see it before that on your main page next to the hosting package features. In the general case, this fee is one-time and it can vary from a little to a significant amount of money based on the supplier.

Setup Fee in Web Hosting

We never charge anything over the price of the web hosting that you choose, thus you won't have to pay any sort of set-up costs or any other fees different from what you've already found on our front page. We consider that being honest to our clients is of crucial importance for developing a long-lasting business relationship, so we will never ask you to pay hidden fees of any sort, especially for something that is virtually completely automated and takes several minutes to be performed by our platform. You will not pay set-up costs even when you buy a number of accounts plus they'll all be completely active immediately, so that you can begin creating your sites. The overall amount that you will have to pay for all of our plans is the very same that you see on our main page.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

Our dedicated servers are devoid of any installation or other hidden fees. Through the registration process, you'll pay only the monthly cost for the package that you have picked. As soon as you submit your order, we will put together and try your brand new machine, and then we'll install all of the software that you will need so as to have a completely operational server - OS, website hosting Control Panel in case you've selected one, web server, MySQL, and many more. All these activities are part of the plan and they come cost-free, therefore the signup payment and all your future renewal payments will be exactly the same. If the server comes with our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you already have a shared website hosting account from our company, we will even transfer all of your content on the server free of charge.