If you’re a site owner, a problem might always emerge and it doesn’t automatically have to be connected with the web hosting service itself. For instance, something can go wrong when you bring a web-based app up to date or some critical content could be edited or deleted by chance. Irrespective of what the essence of the problem is, you’ll have to contact the client support team and request them to restore a backup or to assist you in troubleshooting the problem that you’re struggling with. How fast they’ll do this will determine how much time your sites will be inaccessible. For certain websites such as community websites or shopping portals, a repetitive outage too often means lost users and cash. With this in mind, it is extremely important to use the services of a web hosting company that provides not only a very good support service, but also a well-timed one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting

With a web hosting from us, you can forget about waiting around for hours, or even all day, to obtain an answer to a technical support ticket or an email. Irrespective of when you contact us, we will assist you within no more than sixty minutes with any pre-sales and technical questions you may have. The fact is, our actual response time scarcely ever exceeds 20-30 minutes. Since we are at your service 24x7x365, you’ll always receive help in a well-timed fashion and we understand exactly how essential that is in the electronic age. Shortly after you contact us, we’ll answer your inquiries. If you run into any technical complication, we’ll solve it instead of you, or we’ll provide you with all the needed information if there’s something that you need to do yourself.