In the Internet hosting world, overselling means advertising characteristics which a client buys, but cannot really take advantage of. Many of the features of a given hosting plan can fall under this category - HDD storage, monthly traffic, database storage space, etc. A solution may come with unrestricted disk space, for instance, however many hosting providers set up accounts on a single server that can have only so many disk drives and considering that all of the customers upload content, there won't be any space left on the server at some point or there will be some hidden quotas in order to guarantee that each and every customer has their share, even though everyone has paid for unrestricted space. Since most web hosting Control Panels are developed to work on one server, lots of service providers don't have any choice but to oversell, that is nothing else but tricking their customers.

No Overselling in Web Hosting

You'll never face a situation where you cannot use some of the features which we offer with our web hosting solutions because we do not oversell and we really provide what we offer. Leaving aside the fact that establishing mutual trust is a thing we truly believe in, we can afford to offer you even limitless features since different from the majority of competitors, we do not run everything on a single server. Instead, we've created an innovative cloud platform where the file storage, databases, Control Panel, e-mails, and just about any other service has a separate cluster of servers to take care of them. This configuration allows us to attach hard disk drives for more disk space and entire machines for additional computing power, so that we can never exhaust the system resources. Our own Hepsia Control Panel was made to run in the cloud, so in case you obtain one of our hosting plans, you shall be able to use what you have paid for all the time.