The support that you will receive from your web hosting provider is really important, no matter if you have pre-sales questions and you aren't a client yet, or you have a technical problem with an active account. Timely and accurate information regarding a question or a problem will save you a lot of time and efforts, not mentioning that this is generally a sign that you're ordering from a real website hosting provider not from a reseller. When you buy a hosting account through a company that doesn't own its servers and it can't access them immediately, it is almost certain that you'll wait for a day or two in order to have a response to your query, which means that your websites may stay offline for quite a while. However, a supplier which offers various ways of communication and has a technical support crew available all the time can assist you right away and help you reduce or entirely avoid any kind of downtime and potential losses.

24/7 Customer Support in Web Hosting

We acknowledge the importance of receiving assistance promptly, so our web hosting services come with 24/7 tech support along with several means of communication. In case you don't have an account yet, you can phone us or use our live chat and talk to a live representative, in order to learn more about our services or check if our servers meet the system requirements for your websites. As a result, you will not end up purchasing a service that you cannot use. In case you already have an account with us, you can open a support ticket from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel if the issue is entirely technical or it needs additional investigation. Unlike the vast majority of suppliers out there today, we respond to all the tickets within an hour, so you won't need to wait for a whole day. Our support services can be used day and night, even during public holidays.

24/7 Customer Support in Dedicated Servers

With a one-hour maximum answer time guarantee, you will get quick support when you acquire a dedicated server from our company. Our customer and technical support crews are online 24/7/365, which means that any time you open a support ticket via your billing account or you send an e-mail message regarding any problem with your server or the pre-installed software on it at any time of the day, you'll get a reply within 1 hour, even during holidays. Our ticketing system is the perfect option when the matter in question needs more time to be solved or when it has to be forwarded to our administrators, as it is easier to keep track of the communication sent on both sides. For common, billing and sales issues/inquiries, you'll be able to phone us or talk to a live representative through our chat service. If you add the Managed Services upgrade to your server plan, our admins can also help you with third-party software set up and troubleshooting and similarly to the basic support, this service is available 24/7 as well.