An error log is a detailed report of the warnings and error messages which site visitors encountered as they were surfing your site. This is the raw data that the server has gathered and it could help you locate potential issues with your website and solve them in a timely manner, in order to enhance the site’s performance and to increase the users’ full satisfaction. You will find quite a few things inside an error log - the time when the error occurred, the specific path to the file that the visitor couldn't access, the IP the request came from, and the reason why this request couldn't be processed. There are various reasons for your site visitors to see an error message - a link which leads to a non-existent file, a script page that cannot be processed correctly by the hosting server, a site access attempt by a blocked IP address, and many others.

Error Log Viewer in Web Hosting

If you host your Internet sites on our hi-tech cloud hosting platform, you shall be able to see comprehensive error logs for any of them regardless of the web hosting that you’ve chosen. The feature is available within our in-house built Hepsia CP and may be activated with just a mouse click from the Access/Error Logs section. Once you are there, you will see all of the domains and subdomains that you have and you will have the ability to switch on the error log generation independently for each and every one, in order to keep track of only on the websites that you want or need. In case you don't need a log of the errors to be kept, you are able to deactivate the feature with a mouse click from the same exact section of the CP. There you will also find a Download link for each and every log produced by our system, so you could save the ones which you need to your PC and use log processing software to get easy-to-read statistical info.